Elektroinstalaterski radovi

Interior Painting
Interior Painting
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Interior Painting

Unutarnji radovi


O usluzi

Unutarnji radovi mogu biti složeni

Dobro planiranje i projektiranje prije izvođenja radova ključni su u brzini i vremenskom trajanju.

Puno je zahtjeva za radove ograničeni vremenski, a projekti koji su osmišljeni za vašu zaštitu i kvalitetu usluge, nisu problem u brzni i kvaliteti odrađivanja.

Plan i detalji - okvirni pokazatelji

Upgrade electrical panel or wiring
$1,243.76 fixed fee (install new 100-amp panel);
Switcher and breaker repair
$112.00 – $154.00 (depending on the complexity);
Ceiling fan installation/ replacement
$100.00 – $175.00 (contact us for detailed calculation);
New construction
$195.00 per wiring.

Najčešća pitanja

Every renovation project requires a lot of expenses. They include such bulks as materials and labor. Materials, in turns, include tile, mortar, grout, rough plumbing materials, paint and many other. If you need to make a calculation of your future renovation project, please give us a call or email us, and our manager will help you with this issue.
Depending on dimensions of the space and amount of work, it takes from a week to a 2-3 month to complete the renovation project.
The total budget may vary as sizes of rooms are very different. For example, approximate budget for a basic bathroom renovation is from $3500 to $5000. If you need detailed calculation of materials and work, please contact our Customer Service Department.
Renovation project can be initiated by the clients. If you need to reconstruct your old house, a room or a basement, you need to appeal to us, approve the project and budget and we’ll start working.
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